
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Best Buds!

Hello...Its me again, can you believe 2 days in a row? Me niether!

My daughter and the little boy next door are the best of friends. They get along so well, better than when she plays with her girlfriends and when he plays with other little boys. His mother is always commenting to me how well they get along. They don't fight or argue at all...AMAZING HUH? She fights with her brother all the time. I hear he even fights with his sister as well.

I love all the banners that you can find these days and could put them on every page if I could get away with it, but that would end up making all of my pages look the same do I try not too. Hope you like it as much as I do. This is also a design team page for The Crafty Scrapper as well as alot of the pages you will see here over the next couple of weeks. That is one bad thing about blogger not letting me upload pictures for the last 2 weeks or so...I am so far behind on showing all of these pages so I am playing catch up.

Supplies Used: My Minds Eye Good Day Sunshine, Maya Road ticket and chipboard
Page based off of a sketch from Sketchy Thursdays

Supplies used: Prima bling, Maya Road chipboard and WeR Memory Keepers paper 

I am a little late posting this page, I am going to blame blogger since it would not let me post any pictures for so long. I did this page about a month or so ago with the new paper from We R Memory Keeper Easter line that they carry at The Crafty Scrapper. I love all of the bright colors and can see using alot of it for summer layouts as well as Easter. My husband is so proud of this picture because he took it a couple of years ago when we went to the Dallas Arboretum. I will have to admit it came out really good and is one of my favorite's. I told you I love banner right? Yes, I love them and so I had to add another to this page as well. I hope all of you have a great weekend and I will be back next week with more Crafty Scrapper DT stuff to show you so check back soon!

Thanks for stopping by!

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