
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Wreath

So I decided yesterday while I was work...not working apparently, that I needed to make a spring wreath for my front door. Thursday I had gone to get groceries at Walmart and of course made my way to the craft area...before the food area (priorities ya know) and ran across this cute bird house. I made a mad dash to Hobby Lobby last night before they closed and picked up a couple of branch style wreath's. I stayed up till 2am working on this last night and got up early this morning so I could finish it. Not to toot my own horn but sometimes I amaze myself at what I can do when I get an idea. LOL! I used the Fine and Dandy collection from My Minds Eye that I had won a while back from the Sketch Support blog. It came in very handy since it has very springy colors. I am totally in love with the results and I may even leave it up all summer! Or atleast until I come up with a summer wreath idea! Now I need to go back to walmart and get some more glue sticks, i used every last one I had and the dog chewed up the rest...(crazy dog).  Here are the rusults of my labor...Hope you like it!

Supplies: My Minds Eye Fine and Dandy collection, Maya Road scalloped banner album, scrolls, letters.

Ok now off to take a nap before my family get back! Thanks for stopping by!