
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Art challage


WOW, I am a really bad blogger! Oh well, I am going to use the excuse that I am just so busy living life that I don't have that much time to spend on the computer.....NOT! I really just spend too much time on facebook and pinterest and making new art that I neglect my blog. We did go to Disney World for a week and I have tons of pictures to share. I have good intentions, I take lots of pictures for it but they just live in another area of my cumputer and not on my blog like they should.

On to other things....Here are a few of the pieces I did for the Summer Art Challange over on Christy Tomlinson's Blog. Pictures don't do them justice, they are truly fabulous in real life.

They are almost like 3D. I love them.

Here are a few more that I have been working on this month. Now i just need to figure out what to do with them all. i was thinking of putting a few in my etsy shop to sell. I really don't need all of them and I am sure there will be more made. Let me know if you are interested in any of them.

All of these were inpired from the SheArt Workshop I took from Christy Tomlinson. Some are original others are my version of her art.
I leave you with one more for today.......Do any of you recognize this place? It's going to it's new home next week!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great weekend!