
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Artsy Good Time!!

Let me start by saying I AM THE WORST BLOGGER! There it's out and i admit it! I am going to get better and I have made a note to myself to keep this thing updated. Ok, moving on...........
I am going to the Kaufman Scarecrow Festival next weekend and I have been super busy trying to get enough art made to fill the booth. I wanted to share some of the pieces I have ready so far...well most of them are ready, some just need some final touches. I have another show the next weekend so I am kicking it into high gear the next couple of days to ready. If you are local I hope you come out and see them in person.  All of the She Art is inspired by Christy Tomlinson.
 This one is already sold but the quote on it says: Faith is taking the first step down even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King
 (still needs a quote)

this one is on a board and not a canvas and it still needs a quote too.

She was happy to be herself 

 Be yourself because everyone else is taken
 The trick is to enjoy life
 Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness. Home is where the heart's tears cam dry at their own pace. Vernon C. Baker
This one is not on a canvas, it's on a wood board that I put a picture hanger on. (still needs a quote)

still needs a quote

(This is one of my favorites and will be staying with me.)
I am an artist, life is art.


We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. Joseph Cambell

Life: Sit back and enjoy the ride

Always believe in love.

If you change Nothing, Nothing will change.

Everything will be ok.

Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's Inspiring.

Don't wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead.

She made today count.

Cherish the Moment.
( I was browsing Pinterest and someone pinned this one from a previous post on my blog) you can imagine my excitement!

Live Love Laugh

This one lives at The Crafty Scrapper!


She believed she could so she did.

She could see the possibilities. She lives with my friend Dee Dee Roe!!

Find out who your are and do it on purpose. Dolly Parton

She never let the odds keep her from doing what she knew in her heart she was meant to do. 

The majority of the art is on 12X12 canvas with a few exceptions and are larger or smaller sizes. If you are interested in any of them please feel free to contact me. That's all for today, I will share more this week.
Thanks for stopping by!  
