
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Christmas Pages

 I added some bakers twine and pop dotted one of the stickers. I added some bling to the stickers too to dress them up a bit. Its hard to see in this picture though.

I am not usually one to totally scraplift a page from someone else...I may lift a couple of ideas or elements but not usually the whole page and if I ever did I certainly have never posted it but I love these pages that Kelly Goree has done. They are not all exactly like hers but pretty simular. I used Jovial by Basic Grey. Hope you like them as much as I did.

 I used some of the brads, rub-on snowflakes and some of the sticker elements.
Of course my pictures are not the same as her's and I adjusted things to go with my pictures but the paper is pretty much the same as well as the elements.

The next page is from one of my sketch books from Scrapbook Generations. I love sketches because they give you a great jumping off point when you aren't sure where to start a page but you have all of your pictures. Only the background base is the same as the sketch I used my own picture sizes since I wanted to add more photos than were on the sketch. This one is a double page spread which is what I do the most.

 Journaling is hand written on this one.
This is a rub-on that came with the line.

The next page Kelly Goree had published in Creating Keepsakes January/February 2011. Of course once again I used the base but changed up my pictures and journaling blocks to fit,

The last page is one of her's too. Can you tell yet that I really like her style?

Thanks for stopping by! Its the weekend and everyone is in bed now so I'm off to do some more pages! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer! I've tried to contact you by posting via facebook through your comment on the Sketch Support wall but haven't had any luck getting a reply. I haven't gotten an email from you claiming the giveaway and your shipping information. As soon as you get that to me I can get the prize out to you. Thank you! :)
