
Friday, January 14, 2011

I have decided to do One Little Word by Ali Edwards and I have my 1st page done do far! Yea ME! Now if I can stay caught up that would be awesome. I am working on my next page and hopefully can get my cards typed up tomorrow. I have my word but I'm not ready to share it yet so stay tuned. I hope to get caught up on my Project Life albulm this weekend and i will share that this weekend. I am not doing a 365 but a month by month since I know I will not take a picture a day. I had a hard enough time with Week In The Life remembering to take a picture every day so I am not even going to kid myself into thinking I will take pictures every day of the year! Man I have realized that I either have a really bad memory since I turned 30 or My ADD has kicked into high gear. I forget everything I need to remember. Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me. Ok callilng it a night so hope you have a great evening.

1 comment:

  1. I want to know what your word is. I couldn't decide on one.
